
"I felt people back home should have got behind him
and the team, and only after then had their opinion"
 by Shay Given


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Have Fun reading a selection of Irish Quotes from famous Irish People!

Have fun reading the famous funny, witty Irish Quotation by Shay Given, the well known Irish celebrity. The quotation above is a great example of the spoken word used by Shay Given. What do you think of this witty comment? Is is a traditional Irish phrase? This famous Irish quote is memorable and has been made popular and interesting due the popularity of Shay Given. We hope you enjoyed reading this quote by this legendary Irish star Shay Given. Check out our selection of other Irish quotes from famous Irish Celebrities, we've included quotes from Irish Poets, Writers, Television, Pop, Rock and Country Music singers and bands as well as Movie stars!


Irish Quotations


Irish Quotes - Famous Quotation by Shay Given
Browse though our selection of Irish quotes and find something for every occasion, use the quote for a unique status update and impress your Irish friends and family. Looking for a St Patrick's day quote to text or email wishes to friends or to write in a Christmas card? Whatever the occasion we have something for everyone! How about "Is binn béal ina thost" which translates to "A Silent mouth is Sweet" meaning in today's language that "Silence is Golden". Perhaps you are looking for a quote from a famous Irish person? Poets, Writers, Actors, Movie and Pop Stars, we have included a huge selection of quotes for you to enjoy!

Irish Quotations and Quotes

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Irish Quotes - Pictures and Videos
Discover the vast selection of quotes and quotations relating to Celtic people of Ireland. Famous and funny Irish Gaelic Quotes by Shay Given . The pictures bring to life the different sayings that are associated with this amazing country. A great resource for all ages. Useful as a resource for kids and children of all ages particularly useful for birthday greetings to Irish family members or friends or to use as social networking status updates to make your friends smile!  Perhaps you are researching a saying to use on St Patricks day or as inspiration for a tattoo design, just click on the link for each Irish saying to find out more! Enjoy this amusing Irish saying by Shay Given. We have included pictures and videos to accompany the main topic within the Irish Quotes section. The videos enable fast access to the images and pictures together with information and lots of examples of different quotes. Witty, funny and even traditional quotes. All of the articles and pages can be accessed via the about Ireland Index - a great fun resource for everyone!

Irish Quote by Shay Given - "I felt people back home should have got behind him and the team, and only after then had their opinion"


I felt people back home should have got behind him and the team, and only after then had their opinion - Quote - by Shay Given - Quotes - Irish Quotes - Funny Irish Quotes - Phrases - Quotations -  Luck of the Irish - Drinking - Wedding - Toasts - Proverbs - Irish Toasts - Celtic - Luck - Charms - Good Luck - Irish - Pictures - Meaning - Meanings - Origin - Origins - Symbol - Symbolism - Dictionary - Phrases - Free - Translation - Translate - Learn - Speak - Greetings - Birthday- St Patrick - ecard - Common - Status Updates - Social Networking - Gaelic

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