
Irish Blessing Quotes


Have Fun reading a selection of funny Blessing Quotes

Have fun reading our selection of famous funny, witty traditional Irish Blessing Quotes. We have included a selection of short Blessing quotes, some witty, some sad, in fact something to suit every occasion.  The Irish have a blessing for almost anything! We have included Irish blessing quotes for Weddings, St Patricks day, Houses, Workers, Peace, Happiness and much more! Blessings were traditionally taught to Irish children, although humorous they also have a religious significance and important message. Teach your own children a beautiful blessing, a great way to teach them about god and more fun than a prayer. Check out the table below for a beautiful selection of traditional Irish blessings for all occasions.

Blessings and Sayings


Blessing Quotes
There are traditional Irish blessing quotes for weddings, funerals, St Patricks day, Houses, Workers, Peace, Happiness and we have even included a short Irish blessing for Toothache! Blessings are a beautiful way to show your loved ones how you feel about them. Ideal to use in emails, texts, status updates, wedding and birthday cards. How about something unique to write in a bridal shower or wedding guest book? Print out your favorite blessing quote for your kitchen pin board or fridge door, guaranteed to cheer you up when you are feeling down. Blessings were traditionally taught to children, teach your own children a beautiful blessing, a great way to teach them about god and more fun than a prayer.

"May the Irish hills caress you,
May her lakes and rivers bless you,
May the luck of the Irish enfold you,
May the blessings of Saint Patrick behold you"

Blessing Quotes

  • Funny Irish Blessing Quotes

  • Religious Irish Blessing

  • Blessing Quotes for every family occasion!

  • Blessing Quotes suitable for:

    • Weddings

    • Birthdays

    • Family Reunions

    • Funerals

Irish Blessing Quotes


Blessing Quotes - Pictures and Videos
Discover the vast selection of quotes used by the Celtic people of Ireland. Famous and funny traditional Irish Gaelic quotes. The pictures bring to life the different blessings used by the people of this amazing country. A great resource for all ages. Useful as a resource for people of all ages particularly useful for birthdays, engagements, christenings, first communions, confirmations, weddings or even a reunion with Irish family members or friends. Use a Blessing Quote as social networking status updates to make your friends smile!  Perhaps you are researching a saying to use on St Patricks day or as inspiration for a tattoo design, just browse through the table above for a selection of beautiful Blessing Quotes! Enjoy these amusing Blessing Quotes. We have included pictures and videos to accompany the Blessing Quotes section. The videos enable fast access to the images and pictures together with information and lots of examples of different Blessings. Witty, funny and even traditional blessings. All of the articles and pages can be accessed via the about Ireland Index - a great fun resource for everyone!

"May you always walk in sunshine
May you never want for more
May Irish angels rest their wings right beside your door"

Blessing Quotes


Blessing Quotes - Irish Quotes - Blessed - Ireland - Poem - Short - Funny - Phrases - Quotations -  Wedding - Toasts - Proverbs - Blessing Quotes - Celtic - Luck - Charms - Good Luck - Irish - Pictures - Meaning - Meanings - Origin - Origins - Symbol - Symbolism - Dictionary - Phrases - Free - Translation - Translate - Learn - Speak - Greetings - Birthday- St Patrick - ecard - Common - Status Updates - Social Networking - Gaelic - Traditional - Kids - Children - Teach - Learn - Thanksgiving - Famous - Family - Drinking

Copyright © February 2016 www.theemeraldisle.org
Google+ By Melissa Russell m.russell@cybersynergy.co.uk